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Member Since 26 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 08 2013 07:46 PM

Topics I've Started

Dust getting into Wii U?

07 January 2013 - 04:34 PM

I dust off all of my consoles regularly, but the Wii U has got me worried; it's that air vent on the top of the console. Is there any chance of dust falling into the console and (eventually) breaking it?

Wii U camera

21 January 2012 - 02:12 PM

Okay, so it's no big secret that Nintendo has had bad feedback about their cameras made for their handhelds. What I'm wondering, if the Wii U's touchscreen is in HD, would it mean that the camera on the controller would be an HD camera? Judging by the concept video, it does look like a good quality camera, and I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up being so. Then again, if the camera output HD images, that would probably raise the price of the Wii U, making that undesirable for Nintendo and consumers. Do you think that the Wii U's camera should be an HD camera?

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