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Member Since 31 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 06 2011 12:00 PM

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In Topic: Wii U power

31 October 2011 - 10:51 AM

It has to be atleast 3-5 times more powerful than the PS3/360, because the Wii U apparently using a ATI/AMD RV770 4890 which the high end 4xxx series which was made in late 2009. The Next-Box is rumored to be released at 2013, it would most likley use 2010-2012 processors, obviously it won't be a huge leap, both Microsoft and Sony doesn't want to make the mistakes that the PS3 had. (the PS3 cost $800 to produce) So the Wii U will need alot of power but still keeping the console affordable, the Wii U will most likley be the PS2 of that generation, meaning it will be the weakest of the three, but still powerful enough to handle multiplatform games. My bet is that the Wii U will cost 300-350 US Dollars, and 250 British Pounds, any more than the Wii U is destined to failure.

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