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Member Since 08 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 15 2011 08:06 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Legend of Zelda Fan Club Sign-Up

09 December 2011 - 06:23 PM

Must I beg to join?

In Topic: So for those who finished Skyward Sword what were you disappointed with? (May...

09 December 2011 - 06:22 PM

I wouldn't say robots are completely out of place. We've had the beamos enemy for years now and it's pretty high tech. For me they fit right in as Zelda tends to be more fantasy and less medievally. There are hints of technology but it's not all that present. Termina had quite a bit of tech going on like the clock tower and the water plant dungeon and goht seemed to be robotic in nature. At least to me he did, so the robots never really bothered me. but to each his own.

Well, since I've had time to think about it since I last posted, I had forgotten the possibility that the Thunder Dragon had made these (due to the conversation where he wanted to rename Link using his own robotic system). I guess I'm just used to more organic lifeforms which was why I wasn't so readily accepting of the robots.

In Topic: What Trifoce Would You Want

08 December 2011 - 07:50 PM

Couraaaaage! Only because someone's gotta do what they gotta do... B) Even putting a sword in a toaster.

In Topic: Which Link do you think had the roughest adventure?

08 December 2011 - 07:47 PM

Although TP Link is my favorite, there's something about the attitude the developers give him in that game that doesn't make you think about his hardships, rather, they make you focus on his resolve to fight for the sake of others.

I vote for OOT Link because he was a child when his adventure started. Ghosts, zombies, skeletons, giant monsters - all of this battling while you're still young with a freakin' weak Kokiri sword with the blade as short as my forearm to fight and a wooden shield to defend yourself with??? Scarred for life.

In Topic: So for those who finished Skyward Sword what were you disappointed with? (May...

08 December 2011 - 07:33 PM

I agree with some of the posters here that the music really disappointed me. For the harp music, there wasn't a clear, defined melody on the harp (except the Goddess's song). They made the harp secondary to Fi's singing, plus, there were so many notes on the harp that were being played that all I could distinguish were arpeggios and scales. If they were going to feature that instrument, it should have been in the spotlight, but I guess plucking individual notes is impossible when the Wii makes you simply wave your arm back and forth. Maybe they could have enlarged the harp on the screen and you have to select each note in order with the wiimote? That would have been more memorable than running up to a designated area (ex: goddess wall, stone, silent realm entrance) and flail your arm about. Also, TP had about 9 notes for you to howl for that last song, so, again, it might have worked out this way if we were to learn the Goddess song's individual notes. ^_^ Oh, but there are some areas (not the main harp songs) that have a good harp part (again, only playing arpeggios) like the deepest part of the Forest Temple where all the little waterfalls are at after you beat Ghirahim.

The traveling/flying music wasn't at all memorable to me. It sort of felt like they were copying a rather Super Mario Galaxy-esque feel to the game, but it didn't sound as epic like the first stage of SMG. Also, I remember finally riding through Hyrule field on Epona in TP and the melody changed drastically to make you feel the urgency and scope of what you were trying to achieve. Wind Waker had grasped the musicality of being free, yet, you were also on an important quest you couldn't forget about. Skyward Sword just makes me feel the freedom of flight, but the few beats on the snare drum didn't get me motivated.

However, there is some good innovation with the music as I have noticed in the Forest stage (something I didn't notice in the later stages or I wasn't paying attention), where the closer you get to the Boss door, the more parts/instruments start adding to the music like when you climbed the tower on TP (and OOT, I think...).

But again, music...so...disappointing... :(

Another thing I found to be disappointment: the robots at the Lanaryu Desert. To me, they felt really out of place and so led to my disappointment about the whole area. Or maybe I'm missing something here... :huh:

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