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Member Since 10 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 28 2012 05:12 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Wii U Price Discussion

10 December 2011 - 06:45 PM

Those were made with early dev kits. We have no idea what the real Wii U can do.

I know, but they were better than what he was describing it as.

EDIT: But the Wii U is still capable of those graphics/performance, like I said... "what the Wii U is capable of"

In Topic: Ban the last poster!

10 December 2011 - 05:58 PM

Banned because your using MATHS.

In Topic: Wii U Price Discussion

10 December 2011 - 05:34 PM

The CPU/GPU will be dirt cheap. Even at the high end of the potential specs they won't cost more than $30 each. 4GB of laptop DDR3 ram is $20-ok that isn't the world's best ram but it's about 4 times more than will be in the Wii U. That's $80. The controller cost is hard to judge but I don't see it been over $100- the iPad screen was judged to have cost less than $100 18 months ago and the Wii U will have a far smaller one and isn't as high quality. That's leaves $70 everything else which is easily achievable.

You're telling me you haven't seen what the Wii U is capable of yet?

Now what do you think?

In Topic: The New Super Smash Brothers Game Wishes

10 December 2011 - 05:18 PM

A title - at the very least - for Smash 4.

Well it's (draft) name in Japan is "Super Smash Bros. Universe" with the "U" as the Wii U logo.


(As I posted in http://thewiiu.com/t...-u/page__st__10 .)

In Topic: What do you want to see at E3 2012 for Wii U?

10 December 2011 - 03:32 PM

  • A title - at the very least - for Smash 4.

Well it's (draft) name in Japan is "Super Smash Bros. Universe" with the "U" as the Wii U logo.


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