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Member Since 13 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 13 2012 08:07 PM

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In Topic: Your hired to change the Wii U's name. What would you call Nintendo's...

13 January 2012 - 05:15 PM

I really don't understand what's wrong with just calling to the Wii 2.

It's classy.

Sony understands it. PlayStation. PlayStation 2. PlayStation 3. They still hold the spot for the most successful console in history.

The PlayStation 2 is the best-selling console of all time, having reached over 150 million units sold as of January 31, 2011.[6][7] This milestone was reached 10 years and 11 months after the system was released in Japan on March 4, 2000. Further, Sony said it had 10,828 titles available for the system and that 1.52 billion PS2 titles had been sold since launch.[8] In late 2009, with developers creating new games and the console still selling steadily a decade after its original release, Sony stated that the life cycle of the PlayStation 2 will continue until demand ceases.[9] The console was succeeded by the PlayStation 3 in 2006.

In Topic: What should Nintendo's online be called

13 January 2012 - 05:14 PM



Is honestly amazing.

If that ain't the name, teh japanese beeee stOOOOpid

In Topic: What should Nintendo name the Wii U usernames?

13 January 2012 - 05:08 PM


Ninja Tag is the full name.

Then rename Nintendo "Ninja" and gain exclusive rights over the like-ness, persona, and name of Ninja's and "Ninja."

Proceed to the rule the world through Ninja-dominance.

But seriously.



In Topic: Known facts

13 January 2012 - 05:07 PM

@Hinkik; It will def. be a customized Radeon board made exclusively for the Wii U

The 7970 costs $550. Making the price of the Wii U insane.

In Topic: PlayStation 4 will probably be alot stronger then the Wii U and Xbox 720

13 January 2012 - 04:59 PM

yh!! how stupidly awesome is that!! they werent even trying to do good graphics there and it looked so realistic!! at the same time, a lot of processing power went into the controller in that demo too. imagine what it can do if they use the system's max potential, insane graphics, and imagine if they do that without using the controller's screen, just buttons, then they could have the most visually beautiful game ever made :D

You fail to understand.

It wasn't "game graphics" it's the same as taking google street demo, and making a section of it live. They essentially made a movie, but you could view it from 360 degrees.

They are ONLY showing off the potential capability of the 360 degree controller. But still very impressive. We don't know how many resources that Tokyo Street demo consumed, how long it took them to make it, or...anything about it..really. It was shown behind closed doors. Without any way of discovering how that demo was produced, or even processed by the Wii U console and hand-held...we can't really say anything other than the control method of viewing a given space in a static view (TV) and 360 degree view (Tablet). Which does make some cool possibilities for multiple monitor/TV setups...

For video game graphics, look at the zelda demo video.

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