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Member Since 26 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 07 2012 11:59 AM

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In Topic: Your favorite video game character?

29 January 2012 - 11:56 AM

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Here's my favorite character.

In Topic: Bye Bye Miis?

26 January 2012 - 03:03 PM

I don't think we can really get to an agreement with this whole xbox profits thing, since there really is no solid proof. Simply looking at the sales of a multi-platform easily shows Xbox games sell more. I don't think a multi-console game on any console has ever sold more than an Xbox one does. Xbox games make more profits than wii, and I can't see how you can argue that. I didnt make this account just to post Xbox fanboy comments. I use this forum to keep me up to date for wii u. Not sure if I am going to buy one, and am keeping a close look. Right now, my plans are to only by a new Xbox, but that could change. If I need a question answered, I will ask it in a related topic. This wasn't just a troll account, or I would have named it something silly.

In Topic: Bye Bye Miis?

26 January 2012 - 02:16 PM

I think you are unicorn tongueting. Yes I do like Xbox more than m wii, but that's because I think it's better. Xbox games not selling? Go look at Halo 3 sales compared to any wii game. It sold much more. MW3 on Xbox sold more than on wii. I don't think you know what you're talking about dude. Those articles you linked are from 2009. Xbox has made billions since then, and you said there defecit was in the billions. You're living in the past dude. One article says they didn't make one, while every other one says they did. They sold the most in 2011. They're fine.

In Topic: Bye Bye Miis?

26 January 2012 - 12:14 PM

In reply to Ponkotsu:
By now, I am almost sure Microsoft has made a profit. They sell the most games, Xbox Live subscriptions, and Kinect which made a profit in its first month or two.I think Microsoft is doing fine, and are a great competition to Nintendo.

In Topic: Bye Bye Miis?

26 January 2012 - 02:29 AM

we've already seen that Sony hasn't learned anything from their mistakes with the Vita's dire opening, and Microsoft hasn't exactly demonstrated that they have any understanding of how to make money in the industry either, with the Xbox brand a little over a decade old now and still without any actual profit to show for it

Microsoft has been making profits on the Xbox 360 since 2008. They reported $426 million, and have been making loads of money since.

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