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The Creator

Member Since 08 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 13 2012 08:07 AM

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Familiar Experience

08 February 2012 - 02:00 PM

Hey guys, nice to meet you. If you go on 3dsforums, you know me as The Creator or Kackle526 before my name change. I thought I would register for here, see how many people from 3dsforums come here out of curiosity. If you don't know me, I like to create things. Avatars, are my favorite, and soon I want to get into 3d modeling and sound. I plan on getting a Wii U probably a year or two after launch, as I'm going to be building my first gaming PC in May for my birthday. Hope to see some old friends here, and meet some new ones. If he is here too, I expect to see "Sepharos" post here within an hour...

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