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Member Since 19 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 02 2012 09:30 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Let's talk Zelda Wii U

01 March 2012 - 06:07 PM

My Post in "Let's Talk IPs!"

Sadly, a Zelda MMO (or even a Zelda-themed one) would take enormous precedence over the traditional Zelda games, if not completely wipe them out. That's just one thing that comes to mind quickly.

In Topic: Nintendo patent reveals 'environment sensor unit' for Wii U

01 March 2012 - 06:00 PM

So you're telling me that It doesn't matter if I have an Origin account or not, that I must use it? I'm sorry but that doesn't make sense.....

I came up with an Idea on how to use the sensor: AR!!!!!!!!!

I think he means that residents of Germany have the option to enable/disable some feature of Origin taking data that's not required, I don't know.

In Topic: RUMOR: Nintendo considering renaming the Wii U

20 February 2012 - 05:02 PM


The Nintendo SS. Yeah.

In Topic: NINTENDO E3 2012- Your Speculation!

20 February 2012 - 11:10 AM

Im pretty sure he is talking about what Reggie said at CES (I think it was CES) that the wiiu will be lunch after e3 but before Christmas.So it will most likely be released in November.

I like me some Wii U for lunch.

Anyways, here's the exact quote, "the Wii U will launch sometime between E3, which is in June, and the end of the year." http://money.cnn.com...oney/?iid=HP_LN

In Topic: RUMOR: Nintendo considering renaming the Wii U

20 February 2012 - 04:05 AM

I do like the 'Nintendo U', but they're going to have to really emphasize NINTENDO in the Nintendo U. Of course, this just reminds me of back before the Wii was released and people made fun of Wii, and started calling it "We" or "Yes". Nintendo Revolution sounds nice, too.

The best thing Nintendo can do is stray away from gimmicky titles (a title that describes some of the 'exciting' features of the console, etc.) and titles that have the Wii attached to it. I think the reason why I like the names Nintendo U and Nintendo Revolution is because it has the name Nintendo predominantly in it. The reason I don't like the Nintendo Revolution is because the word revolution is a commonly-used word, and what you really need is a distinctive yet simple name for people to really grab on to.

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