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Member Since 21 May 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 26 2011 05:16 PM

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In Topic: -

26 July 2011 - 05:20 PM

It's just a 3D-TV carrying the Playstation name, with how hard they are pushing 3D gaming on the PS3 they did it to give people an affordable option as it's considerably cheaper than any current 3D-TV offerings. If I remember correctly it's only like 24 inches though, not a big TV...big enough for a bedroom but probably not ideal for a living room. I think it was priced around $500.

The really cool thing is the local multiplayer thing, apparently if me and you were playing a 3D game together on the couch, the way it works each of the two players (I do believe it's limited to two) wearing the glasses will see a completely separate image completely eliminating the need for split screen. I have no idea how the hell that works...but it sounds pretty sweet.

If they were to make a bigger one I'd seriously consider buying it but at the current slated size...it's too small for my interest.

In Topic: None of the big first parties at launch?

12 July 2011 - 10:26 PM

I think the main reason people were so upset about the launch of the 3DS wasn't just the lack of the big 1st party titles but rather that there were very few quality 3rd party titles either, just in general there weren't many quality titles not just at launch but even in the launch window period (I consider the launch window the first 6 months...I don't know whats "technically" considered the launch window in the industry). With the Wii U it doesn't really matter to me if it's Nintendo's 1st party franchises or other 3rd Party Franchises, I just want to see at least 2 or 3 quality titles at launch instead of having to wait months before getting any quality games like with the 3DS (in my opinion anyway, I know some people would disagree on the titles on the 3DS so far being quality or not but that's just my opinion as I said). If a game is a quality release I don't care who made it or what universe it's set in.

In Topic: Miitropolis

12 July 2011 - 10:10 PM

I have to admit that I haven't read the entire thing but the first thing that popped into my mind just on the general idea was Playstation Home, which despite the fact that it hasn't gone over as well as I know Sony hoped it would (although it is used pretty heavily but no one views it as a staple for the PS3 like Sony hoped) I do enjoy it myself, I'm excited about the potential of it and what Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft can do to build on what Sony started with home. So I'd be all for a "Miitropolis". (which may surprise some people as I know some folks on here might not imagine that to be my kind of thing, lol)

In Topic: Golden Eye Might Be THE Nintendo FPS

28 June 2011 - 11:38 AM

No. Last time I checked Nintendo own the rights to Goldeneye games.

Nintendo does not own the rights to the Goldeneye franchise, MGM Interactive owns the rights and the license to develop the games is currently held by Activision.

So yes, if Activision feels like doing so they absolutely can make a multi-plat Goldeneye.


To clarify one thing though, what you may have been thinking of is the rights to the original game, Nintendo does indeed partially hold those rights. However, they hold no rights whatsoever to any future Goldeneye games that may be developed.

In Topic: I think there's a handheld better then the 3DS.

16 June 2011 - 03:02 PM

The PSV has got nothing to excite. Nothing I've seen contains any kind of charm at all, and that's what you want in portable game devices. Think about it, the portable market is different from the home console market, something Sony hasn't latched on to yet, because it's the same as the PS3 it doesn't need to exist or the PS3 doesn't need to exist. Why don't Sony just release their ultra-powerful tablet yet? They appear to be making strides towards it with the Playstation phone and the Vita. And that is why people aren't very interested in the Vita, It offers exactly the same gameplay as it's (cheaper) home console counterpart, making it useless.

Actually the ironic part about that post is....they really are coming out with tablets, two models actually, lol.

People like you seem to forget that Sony is a massive corporation, Nintendo is tiny compared to them. Sony has their hands in literally every form of media and entertainment on this planet, from home appliances to computers to video games to producing movies and music. Of course they are going to have phones, tablets, etc...

Comparing Nintendo to Sony would be like comparing your local mom and pop restaurant to a massive chain restaurant like McDonald's, it's only natural that they would have a whole host of products.

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