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Member Since 11 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 29 2012 05:19 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

18 March 2012 - 06:52 AM

Well, This is for the 3DS but it is Super Smash Bros.. It's really weird that a website like Futureshop a big company(Which i think is only in Canada) Would even make a mistake this big! I can understand GameStop, But on Futureshop website! Telling every Futureshop worker that Smash Bros is coming and you can pre-order it online. How weird.. Plus it doesn't say "SUPER" only Smash Brothers. So maybe Super Smash Bros is coming to the 3DS and Wii U this year! But a December, 31,2012 release date is really stupid. So i don't know... What do you guys think? Is a mistake or just a game called Smash Brothers and have no relations with Super Smash Bros.. There was no more info about it, what you see is every thing basically.. Website: http://www.futuresho...3084c16c549en02

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In Topic: Wii U Wishlist

16 March 2012 - 05:27 PM

I want.. {I added some games that are confirmed coming to the Wii U}
Sonic generations
Street Fighter
Pokemon Snap
Mario Paint :P
Metroid the Other M 2
Killer Freaks
[Sadly] Call Of Duty, i think it would be cool moving the controller around with a real 360 degree turns.
New Zelda
Driving simulation..
There's a bunch more, but not coming to mind

In Topic: Wii U Price Discussion

16 March 2012 - 05:19 PM

You copied my signature.

Yes, yes i know. :3 I'm new and wanted to test out the signature stuff and i saw yours and used it. I' making my own signature, so i'm not keeping this for long.

In Topic: Wii U Controller Accessories

16 March 2012 - 05:14 PM

Well the accessories for the Wii will work for the Wii U (I really like that makes Nintendo more GREEN). But of course there will be new accessories for the Wii U, like the new Wii U Zapper. But what else could Nintendo do for the controller. I can't think of anything, but Nintendo got something big planned. So stalk up on Wii accessories cause who nows if they will go up in price when Wii U releases(Probably won't, but buying Wii Fit board for Wii U and i don't really care for the Wii fit board)..

In Topic: Wii U Price Discussion

16 March 2012 - 05:05 PM

I guess i will have to say for the console... i am now predicting the console price at $150-$200

I would love for that to be the price. But the controller cost a huge amount of money, $150 is WAY to low. The Wii wasn't even priced that low. And the 3DS when it launched wasn't that low ether.. So how in the world is Nintendo going to afford at this point selling a console when it almost cost $100 to make!

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