Member Since 19 Mar 2012Offline Last Active Sep 19 2012 05:19 AM
planning a wiiu info recap post on the 31'st, too much confusion as of late.
Updated 18 Aug · 0 comments
About Me
hi again
this is a smily
Idk, i go here for the wonderful magical train that is composed of 99.98% hype (and .02 info) about a console i would love to get. (ok, a new computer might go first)
especially if Nintendo can pull off it's duel edged power/fun recipe that seems to be a main point.
Nintendo proves again and again its a console company and i like them over the other 2 consoles because they make sure to be separate from just a computer, and create an experience on its own that no matter how much someone can hate, is not the same as a computer
lets hope for a great console, and turn into a linux gaming website otherwise! *pokes feld0*
hi again
this is a smily
Idk, i go here for the wonderful magical train that is composed of 99.98% hype (and .02 info) about a console i would love to get. (ok, a new computer might go first)
especially if Nintendo can pull off it's duel edged power/fun recipe that seems to be a main point.
Nintendo proves again and again its a console company and i like them over the other 2 consoles because they make sure to be separate from just a computer, and create an experience on its own that no matter how much someone can hate, is not the same as a computer
lets hope for a great console, and turn into a linux gaming website otherwise! *pokes feld0*
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- Member Title Thwomp
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washington (not dc)
linux & software politics, they go hand in hand as linux is almost always the better, but left out o.s.
currently my high school classes have me lined up into biochemistry, but im also into (a highly trailblazing) computer hardware development -
i HATE m$windows