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Member Since 27 Jan 2011
Offline Last Active May 30 2011 12:57 PM

Topics I've Started

Are you ready for me?

27 January 2011 - 08:57 AM

Hello my name is Bobby,

No my parents were not crazy enough to give me a boy's name, it's just a nickname made from my real name. (You won't guess so don't try :D ).

Louzzy told me to join this site because apparantly you lot are lacking in the female persuasion (which is always a bad thing :D ) . So basically I'm here to keep all you guys in check...joking :D

About Me

Well, I actually know Louis personally we've gone to the same secondary and then same high school. I am a proud advocate of the character Kirby and I keep a little diary noting my gaming adventures on the Epic Kirby Blog. If you thought Louzzy was crazy about Kirby you haven't seen anything yet... I like to go cinema in my spare time, hang out with friends, eat spaghetti and cook brownies.

I have a Nintendo Wii, DS and a PS3 but I barely have the time to play them anymore. I am SO busy with college/exams but I will try to come on the forums and be an active member. I actually only just got back into forums recently but before that I hadn't been on a forum for acouple of years and even then it was anime forums. So don't blame me if Im a bit rusty. I've given the rules a going over so I should be cool.

Anyways this intro is dragging on so if there is anything you wanna know just ask.

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