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Member Since 08 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 02 2012 09:37 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Will You Get Wii U at Launch?

06 August 2012 - 09:08 AM

Well, there are a few things that I need to buy first. I need a notebook, a HD Tv and a smartphone (going to buy one this wednesday).
After getting all those things I will buy the Wii U, but it will probably happen on the next summer - . -

In Topic: If Wii U fails to get 3rd party games who's to blame?

06 August 2012 - 08:52 AM

For now, we have a lot of 3rd party games announced for wii u. That means that the other companies like the console and can see a good future for it. So I think that it's obvious that they will keep bringing their games to it. MANY people were waiting for Nintendo to have 3rd party games on their consoles. And now that that it's happening, I believe that the sales will be great, so I really can't see any reason for the other companies stop making their games for the wii u.
That's my opinion.

In Topic: Bedroom?

07 July 2012 - 03:57 PM

LOL. I guess I'm really into my gadgets. That's not the half of if as I also own a 3DS, PSP Go, Vita, iPad, MacBook Air, a Windows PC as well as a bunch of retro consoles. The retro consoles are all packed away and the a Windows PC doesn't really get used much anymore though.

I would love to have a life like your's;)

defenintley bedroom more privacy and also because i would have limited use if i was in living room because my parents watch tv and movies in there

Yeah I think the same :]

In Topic: Bedroom?

07 July 2012 - 05:53 AM

I've already got a home entertainment setup in my bedroom which also has the only full HD 1080p TV in the house. The TV is on the wall with an A/V rack below it on the floor which houses my surround sound receiver, Xbox 360, Wii, PS3 (also used for Bluerays), Mac Mini, HD DVD player (used for DVD's now) and my Sky + HD box for my TV needs. The A/V rack is full now and pretty crowded with electronic devices but I'll have to make room for the Wii U. So that's where the Wii U will go. No one else in my family plays video games so having all that stuff in my room is ideal. I've also got the 5.1 speaker setup for HD surround sound.

Huow thats a lot of thibgs : O

In Topic: Mario Kart Wii U

04 July 2012 - 05:42 PM

-Really good graphics (obviously!)
-two ways of gameplys (using the gyro sensor or the analogic controls)
-Capacitie to play with our miis (This was possible on wii, but only online, so I would like to be able to play with my mii everytime!)
- Using the touch screen to throw items (For example: when you get one green shell you can throw it everywher you want sliding you finger on the touch screen to the direction where you want to throw it! It would be a very cool!)
- More costumization options ;) (I'm tired of having to select one of those 4 karts on the list) - It would be very cool if you could create our own kart and use it with our favorite character.
- More battle games (I don't know, I'm tired of that collecting coins game : /)

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