Member Since 23 May 2011Offline Last Active Aug 08 2016 05:01 AM
Such a shame. I'd expect better from the mods of this site but there you go. i'm leaving
Updated 18 May · 6 comments
About Me
Hi, I'm Blarg! I'm 13 Years Old and I lurrrrrve Games! My favourite console is probably 3DS or Xbox 360, but I ould have all of them! Since my life doesn't stretch much further than Games, I started a Forum, called Gaming Gossip which has turned out to be extremely poular. If you're interested in joining, follow the link. Anyway, I hope to see you around! Here's the link to Gaming Gossip:
Hi, I'm Blarg! I'm 13 Years Old and I lurrrrrve Games! My favourite console is probably 3DS or Xbox 360, but I ould have all of them! Since my life doesn't stretch much further than Games, I started a Forum, called Gaming Gossip which has turned out to be extremely poular. If you're interested in joining, follow the link. Anyway, I hope to see you around! Here's the link to Gaming Gossip:
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 15
- Profile Views 10,108
- Member Title Spiked Goomba
- Age 26 years old
- Birthday August 6, 1998