Member Since 23 May 2011Offline Last Active Aug 08 2016 05:01 AM
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Such a shame. I'd expect better from the mods of this site but there you go. i'm leaving

Feld0 is working on it, he promised he'd have news for us in a week and to stop being so over-reactive about 4 months ago.
May 18 2013 04:58 AM -
I'm the only remaining active staff member. I have been working on implementing a new moderating team.
May 18 2013 06:51 AM

Hello! I plan to be a lot more active on here now. GeneralCraezy convinced me!

I'm back after leaving for the second time! Party time(Until I leave again)!

I've not been on this forum for a while, but I'm back now. Let's celebrate!

Homer Fanboy
Of course I remember you, Blarg! Sorry I haven't been on in awhile!
Jul 24 2011 10:38 AM