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Member Since 26 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 28 2012 03:56 PM

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In Topic: Wii U MUST be next gen..

28 April 2012 - 09:32 AM

Actually ur wrong its the console that is called the Wii 2 the controller is the Wii U

In Topic: Wii U MUST be next gen..

27 April 2012 - 04:19 PM

I wouldn't jump to conclusions yet bout it being fake. Lots of videos get there name changed. Plus the controllers the only thing revolutionary bout the Wii 2. I mean whats the point of making a trailer for the controller when u can make 1 for the whole console. But because its sooo unique the Wii 2 console and the Wii U controller both need their own separate trailer.

In Topic: Wii U MUST be next gen..

27 April 2012 - 03:04 PM

Can you specify where you saw that? I don't remember seeing anything of the sort. In fact, we only recently saw true gameplay footage for the first time.

It was uploaded by Exmachinima on Youtube the last time I checked it was called Wii 2 trailer because it was made for the console menu's special features incomparison to making a video about the controllers special features. But when I checked for it again to show it too 1 of my friends it was harder too find so I had to tweek my searches a bit. I tried different things I'll give u a list of what I'd tried so u can do it until u find it.

I tried: Wii 2, Wii 2.0, Wii 2 trailer, Wii U menu, Wii console, Wii 2 at e3 trailer.

But usually it worked when typing in Wii 2.

Look for a video with the picture of the console instead of the control or a big 2.0

I found later they edited the name, so thats why I couldn't find it. Still the same video but different title. Also I found another video called Wii 2 parody trailer. Which is super cool fast paced visual of the Wii 2's menu.

In Topic: Wii U MUST be next gen..

27 April 2012 - 10:46 AM

Ummm my biggest concern is: Will it be able to play dvd's I saw in 1 of the trailers for the Wii U's menu it showed what looked like a dvd channel. I was expecting that when the Wii came out it would be able to play movies like the Xbox360 can or ps3. Nintendo should've already been looking over their shoulders. Too make a great Wii, but I was dissapointed. So if the menu trailer is not a lie I would like 2 know. thank u.

Ummm my biggest concern is: Will it be able to play dvd's I saw in 1 of the trailers for the Wii U's menu it showed what looked like a dvd channel. I was expecting that when the Wii came out it would be able to play movies like the Xbox360 can or ps3. Nintendo should've already been looking over their shoulders. Too make a great Wii, but I was dissapointed. So if the menu trailer is not a lie I would like 2 know. thank

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