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Member Since 29 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 22 2012 07:28 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: GameStop Employee: "There will be no Wii U Midnight Launch(es) at GameSto...

24 October 2012 - 04:59 PM

I'm pretty excited because I just got back from my gamestop where I preordered my Wii U and they ARE having a midnight launch. So you might want to check with your stores. I mean I live in West Virginia and mine is.......

In Topic: Framerates and Native Screen Resolution of Wii U games

03 October 2012 - 05:14 PM

Really. There are 5 resolutions that are used that utilize progressive scan. 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, and 1080p. Call of Duty runs at 1080p on the 360 and PS3. Look on the box. The box for the 360 version of Black Opps says 1080p, as does the PS3 version of MW3. If you are going to state things make them correct. That is all I ask. Don't make things up, just for the sake of making things up. Yes. The game does output in 640p, but if you read the articles the console does some up scaling which makes it into a useable resolution, because nothing can interpret that. So in the end the game comes out of the PS3 in 720p/1080p,and that is the argument. The game is being displayed in HD regardless of what the actual initial resolution is.

So the same example could be said that if I put a dvd into my bluray player and it "upscales" it to HD 1080p (which it does)......it would look as good as a TRUE HD bluray movie? ...... yeah okay. Not even close because there is a BIG difference. Your xbox and ps3 is doing the same thing with the game resolution. Get up close on your tv with a game running.....its extremely blurry.....because it being "upscaled". Now try that with a source that is true HD....not blurry. The next gen concoles will have true HD gaming something that most current gen games can't pull off. If I'm not mistaken there are a couple of games that run 720P.

In Topic: What I learned from pre-ordering the Wii U at gamestop

14 September 2012 - 04:40 PM

I was number 9 on the preorder list for a black wii u. No white wii u's had been preordered yesterday at 4:45. I called today and they are no longer taking preorders for black systems.

In Topic: $49.99 for Wii U games?

09 June 2012 - 07:41 PM


$50 wii u games.......... seems false now.



amazon is listing these games at $59.99 now instead of $49.99


I'm actually glad due to the fact I think some gamers would see $50 games as a "lower quality" game even though that wouldn't be true.

In Topic: Did your opinion change after Direct?

04 June 2012 - 12:20 AM

It made me feel alittle better about their online. The controllers were everything I wanted. I have no complaints with the controllers now.

NOW.... I need to see the games in action, and get into full details about the online and power of the system.

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