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Member Since 30 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 09 2014 06:22 AM

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In Topic: Why Watch Dogs Shouls Be on your Must Have

09 March 2014 - 06:18 AM

I love my Wii U, but from what I've read it looks like there will be a more alive world in the PS4 version aside from any graphical improvements.  I'll wait for reviews first but I'm leaning that way on this title.

In Topic: Was Nintendo wrong... what is the consumer saying?

14 February 2014 - 07:32 AM


Also we're dealing with people who care about pretty graphics who aren't smart enough to operate a PC outside the realm of Facebook.


This is such a ridiculous stereotype, and I'm not sure when it became so black and white regarding gameplay vs. graphics.  For as much as Nintendo fans don't like others coming down on their choice for different reasons, there are certainly a fair share of Nintendo gamers who seem to be fine with ripping other gamers because they enjoy graphics.


I think you'll also find the vast majority of those who enjoy good graphics for - you know - VIDEO games, want them in conjunction with good gameplay and stories, not one or the other.  And as an owner of 5 different consoles and a Vita and PC, I can easily say there are WAY more than enough quality games that offer the complete package with embarrassingly better graphics than most Nintendo games.


Gamers should not have to sacrifice good graphics and put up with awkward gameplay gimmicks just to get quality gameplay.  And they're not, which is why Nintendo is losing out and continues to fall.


So yes, the falling behind on graphics is a huge element to what's hurting Nintendo.  They put their time, money and effort elsewhere for a second time and it didn't work out for them again.  As others and Nintendo have said, they misread the market...really badly. 

In Topic: Now this is an article about Nintendo

14 February 2014 - 06:57 AM

I think these "experts" who are clamoring for Mario on phones are underestimating just how rampant emulators are, as well.  I'd imagine a decent percentage of those who want Mario on their phones already have it.  And with the drivers out there for the Moga and Moga pro controllers, it's playable with a gamepad, too.

In Topic: Pachter: Nintendo stop Wii U production, move to XB1/PS4 until new console

14 February 2014 - 05:10 AM

he's got a point, nobody is buying the WiiU & people with the WiiU are not buying any games, people are not going to pay £300 to play a couple of Mario & Zelda games.


there is little point in defending the WiiU anymore Iwata has admitted the WiiU has failed, what is Nintendo going to do carry on supporting & paying stores for shelf space until 2018/20 ?


I think your pricing is high for what they system costs these days.  Wii U could've been a huge hit had they made it a bit more powerful (didn't have to be on par with ps4 or x1) and dropped the gamepad.  They couldn't explain why it was needed or why it was innovative, Nintendoland sucked imo and at the very least was a FAR cry from Wii Sports in terms of a word of mouth system seller, and just as many predicted it became a tack-on feature, much more quickly than motion controls did for the Wii by the way.  Hell DKC doesn't even show the game on both tv and gamepad at once.  Its a totally useless feature imo and hinders the comfort of using a controller.  I'm glad I finally bought a nyko pro controller when it was on sale last week. 


This being said, I love the system.  I really do, the 9 games I have are all awesome.  But if Nintendo put these games on X1 and PS4 nobody would ever have a reason to come back to Nintendo.  If they go third party, they're making their bed.  Is that a bad thing?  Depends who you ask but possibly not.  Either way, I think there are too many games in development for the Wii U that are coming out in the next 2 years to just scrap the console.  It IS selling, it's not like HD DVD here.


I'm not particularly interested in Smash Bros. but the X RPG, Zelda U and HOPEFULLY something Metroid comes along soon.  Until then, I still haven't picked up DKC or Lego City.  Plenty to play if you give the system a chance.

In Topic: DK Tropical Freeze: Gameinformer 9.25

10 February 2014 - 04:48 AM

Nice....just bought Mario 3D World (which is great) when it went on sale for $39.99.  I think I'll wait for $30 for DKC and then get that, too.  I always loved these games but couldn't get into the Wii one for some reason.  Honestly, the lack of HD in a world where I was used to HD already might have been the issue.

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