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Member Since 01 May 2012
Offline Last Active May 01 2012 05:44 AM

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In Topic: Wii U Price Discussion

01 May 2012 - 05:47 AM

Sigh, here is the heart of the problem my friends. The wii u is essentially a rehashed wii with added gimmicks to get you to buy. Whatever price they charge will probably be too much. I've been a Nintendo fan all of my life and I've gotten every major console, but I'm going to call abandon ship on this one. I can't afford to spend 250-300 dollars on a bunch of bells and whistles. In my opinion, I think that Nintendo needs to get its mind back on track and stop producing the add ons and rehashes. They could relearn a thing or two from Sony. Why is the PS3 still so popular while the wii is slowing? Answer: Sony kept it simple.

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