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Member Since 07 May 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 17 2012 07:31 PM

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07 May 2012 - 09:39 PM

Hello! My name is Jack Edward... You can call me Jack or Edward, it doesn't really matter to me.

I have been following the Wii U for quite some time now; ever since it was first speculated as the Wii HD.
I am so hyped for its release...

I love Nintendo's own IP's (especially Star Fox and Donkey Kong Country) but I also love classic games on the Atari 2600 and the Sega Genesis. I am a RETRO video game nerd. I have a huge collection of video game consoles that date back to the Atari 2600.

I hope I enjoy my stay here. These forums seem very profesional and produce good conversations and debates.

See you all around! ;)

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