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Member Since 15 May 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 04 2013 01:15 AM

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In Topic: I think I know why Nintendo isn't getting 3rd parties...

11 June 2013 - 09:33 PM

I believe your right on the money B) . I have a different angle to explore for discussion:

Reggie said, years ago, that this industry cannot survive on a model where the consumer buys software to play with it once or twice. I am paraphrasing, because this was a video interview from around 2005 (I believe).

Fast forward to recent times. A big game comes out on Tuesday. Back when I would preorder locally, I would be unfortunate enough to visit Gamestop two weeks straight (I love preordering online now, call me anti social, but I like buying stuff without being asked to buy more stuff). On that second week, I would see several copies of this game, that is only 7 days old, back on the shelf in the used section. Someone traded in their $60 purchase for $30 or so of credit. This is insane for many reasons, but let us ignore the obvious financial ramifications, and focus on the fact that someone got bored with the software in 7 days or less.

I would get bored of the game in this span of time too, but I would shelve it, replay it later, or so on. If it was terrible, I would wait and revisit it later (this was rare, as I would wait for reviews instead of preordering random stuff).

Now, I would not see quality titles back en mass. There would always be a few back, but not the quality games. Mario Galaxy never came back until a good while later (maybe one, two copies at a time in 2008). In other words, Nintendo does not have high used game turnover (in all likelihood, or they would be on board).

However, games with shiny graphics and little depth are always back, for $5 bucks less. Guess what people buy?

Well, as the turnover ratio for used purchases of that title increases, the ROI of that title decreases for the publisher. The solution? Quality over quantity. 1 Madden every 3 years with roster updates. That would not make as much money as DRM.

More Off Topic Discussion Points

DRM may backfire. That's right. Little Timmy could take Madden 14 and get credit towards Madden 15. Now he can't. Uh oh. Now Timmy has to mow lawns, beg mommy for money, or go seek gainful employment. If Timmy goes outside to do these things, he might decide something else is worth the money he was going to use on Madden 15, like little Susie, the dog walker in the neighborhood. Alternatively, Big Tom, Timmy's dad, might be so upset that he can't unload his out of date Battlefield 4 game to get Call of Duty 17 (w/ Bomb Sniffing Tuna!), that he decides to use his new Xbox to watch TV. Upon seeing Timmy's interest in Susie, Tom sells the Xbox to a friend. The cycle repeats.

Once that bottom line contracts, the policy will stop. Thoughts?

I hope to God it backfires. Everyone in the industry need a smack of common sense.

Make quality games, take risks, and by doing so focus less on making things prettier, but rather on making them fun to play. You lower costs, make money, and will probably have more fun (god forbid) than spending development rescources in making next gen arm hair physics..

In Topic: De-Hyping E3

27 May 2013 - 08:16 AM

I thought it was actually confirmed that only screenshots of SSB4 would be shown.


I think so, but I also heard they were going to try to get a trailer ready for E3. And honestly, that's what the game really needs. That's what all of Nintendo's games need this time around.

In Topic: Wired Connection constantly drops out?

23 May 2013 - 03:51 PM

My brother had this same problem, I don't know how he fixes it, but I know he did. I will ask him when I get a chance!



Any solutions, guys? Computer works fine on wired connection.

In Topic: Wired Connection constantly drops out?

20 May 2013 - 04:44 PM

Do you have anything else you can test a wired connection with? Do you have a netbook/laptop? Perhaps any other consoles?

I suppose it's most likely your college internet, is there anyone you can ask there about your problem?


Strange. I just played a 10 minute CoD match and didn't disconnect..


Could it be that Monster Hunter is less tolerant of disconnects? 


I'm about to check with my laptop, but I have a feeling that it might just be the fact that if Monster Hunter picks up 1 second (if that) of disconnect, it boots me off network mode.


Because every time I check the home menu right after a disconnect, my icon is blue. Never orange. It seems to disconnect very briefly, then reconnect.

In Topic: Could extended off tv play time cause continuous freezing?

19 May 2013 - 11:05 AM

Probably move your Wii u to your router, that is the most common thing about Wii U freezing because its trying to giver updates on Miiverse while playing your game. I never use my TV to play Wii U games anymore, I just find a plug and start playing and it never freezes at all for me.

The problem is is that I have to connect my wii u via wired since I'm in college. And the connection sucks so bad that a WIRED CONNECTION DROPS OUT. CONSTANTLY.

And there's no way for me to fix it because the ethernet ports are mounted to the wall..

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