yeah...not exactly the return to focusing on "hardcore" gaming experience they promised. I mean SiNG?? WTF was that. i was laughing my head off when I saw that god awful trailer.
They totally had the chance to come out and show some awesome graphics, and a combination of hardcore games and classic Nintendo games.
I mean ZombiU, Assassin's Creed, Tekken Tag 2, but I mean the rest are just rereleases.
Wii Fit U??? Is that REALLY what everyone's been asking for? No.
The new Super Mario Bros U looks cool but we really need an open world Mario like Mario 64.
No mention of big sellers like Call of Duty.
Tell us more about the online aspect, how will people chat during games. Bubbles and text messages? ( I assume the mic on the remote) But they really needed to tell us MORE. It wasn't as bad as say Sony's conference but man my hopes were high on this one, but they just came out and the whole thing was Ho hum.