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Member Since 07 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 09 2012 10:09 AM

Topics I've Started

Nintendo Needs to Create a New Franchise Already

08 June 2012 - 07:21 PM

I love Nintendo and all. I play every single Mario game that comes out and contrary to popular belief, im one who thinks the original Wii is SERIOUSLY overlooked. On the same token, however, I think it's time Nintendo comes up with a newer set of characters. I mean, as good as Metroid, Mario and Zelda are, how many of these can consumers take? Sure, they have been taking them happily since the 1980s, but that also doesn't mean Nintendo can sit back and keep profiting on a tired formula for the next 100 years. If Miyamoto did it before, surely he can do it again. The guy needs to sit down, grab a pen and paper and start developing the next great franchise. By now, even Mario Kart is starting to feel a bit stale, although still enjoyable overall.

As an ideal example, i would like for someone to introduce a solid RPG franchise much like the Final Fantasy games represent Sony. Nintendo's best bet (in this genre) is to talk to Camelot and tell them to work up a sweat and make Golden Sun a more standard series, as opposed to releasing one every gazillion years for handheld devices alone.

Personally, i think a bit of a change or something NEW would be nice, rather than expect the same formula with every consle (Mario here, Zelda there.)

What champion would you like to see on every Nintendo console from now on?

Can't Wait! And Hello

07 June 2012 - 05:25 PM

Just another member here. Looking forward to the new console like the rest of us. While half the games are not that exciting yet, i AM intrigued with the thought of using the GamePad screen to play while my brother watches TV.

Lol anyway, hello to everyone here.

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