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Member Since 17 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 29 2012 11:44 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Wii U A and B controls

27 August 2012 - 03:19 AM

hahaha.. I'm used the swapping on the ps3, because we have access to both american and asian version of ps3 games. i don't know what's the big deal about it

In Topic: Wii U games you'd like to see, but will never happen?

27 August 2012 - 03:16 AM

Supreme commander o_O

In Topic: nintendo has to get rid of the motion controls

27 August 2012 - 02:52 AM


In Topic: Rate Wii U Titles: Day 1: Assassin's Creed III & Grand Theft Auto V

26 August 2012 - 08:15 PM

Nintendo fan that plays games for graphics?

AC3 70%
GTAV 100%

you only play gta games for graphics?

lol.. I thought I made it clear when I said, graphics don't intimidate me, means I don't care about graphics.. It can be as super photorealistic, but if the gameplay is nothing compare to the san andreas.. I'm not interested..

and when I talked about GTA4, I said it was beautiful when I first saw it, and assumed everything from San Andreas is retained in the game. I imagined a high graphics GTA:SA, which will be really cool.. but was dissappointed

And i am no nintendo fan. I don't brush out games/ offered by other company than nintendo. If it interests me, I'll buy it, be it Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo

In Topic: Next gen consoles represent 'a quantum leap'

26 August 2012 - 05:40 AM

you know, things like this makes me laugh at human imagination. There are limits to some things. not everything can be a quantum leap everytime.

Remember in the 80's, how some people imagined the year 2000 will be like? everyone will have their own airplanes, or there'll be a floating cars, or 2 wheels thing like the bicycle is not practical and will be dead before we know it, or the telephone is a joke, no one will use it. I think this statement of quantum leap in graphics is one of the bogus statement.

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