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Young Link

Member Since 19 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 11 2015 02:59 AM

#88645 Hello!

Posted by Alianjaro on 19 June 2012 - 09:04 AM

Hello there! If you're used to GameFaqs, you'll see how peaceful and respectful this community is! Anyway, pleased to meet you!

#81384 Swear Filter

Posted by Feld0 on 28 May 2012 - 02:55 PM

Swearing is against TheWiiU.com's rules. You shouldn't be doing it anyway - and a pony-themed swear filter is all the more reason for you to not do it. ;P

(you might not actually believe this, but I implemented the pony-themed swear filter well over a year ago, long before I even knew about MLP:FiM)

IP.Board only allows the swear filter to be controlled globally. It is impossible to toggle it on a per-user basis, as your post is processed and filtered for swear words before being saved into the database.

#88883 We know who won E3 2012 (Ubisoft), but who ultimately Lost?

Posted by Deadly Virus on 20 June 2012 - 06:26 AM

I don't see how anyone could say Nintendo lost... They completely dropped the ball on it, yeah, but they didn't lose. If they had have come out with this conference last year when they were announcing Wii U, it would have been decent. It's just that it was an alright conference in a year when it should have been an amazing conference.

Personally I think E3 2013 will be big for Nintendo. I don't want to get myself hyped again, but I can definitely see it being more hardcore-focused. By next E3, SSB4 will have had over a year's worth of development time, Zelda Wii U will hopefully be beginning to take shape, Retro and Monolith's projects should be nearing completion, and there's a whole bunch of other games we might not even know about yet. Nintendo has a lot of material to show off next year, and they're really going to have to pull out the big guns if they want to stay relevant in the face of PS4/Xbox 720 reveals, especially after this year's disappointing showing.

#89043 Miyamoto Says Wii U “Might Not Be As Powerful” As The Next Xbox And PlayStation

Posted by Caius Casshern Sins on 20 June 2012 - 03:01 PM

Miyamoto can't answer it since the other companies haven't released there systems. He is also right that they have to balance cost with power. The PS3 couldn't find a good balance and that hurt in the begining. We will have to wait and see how it goes.

#88617 Hello!

Posted by Blake on 19 June 2012 - 06:47 AM

Welcome to thewiiu.com!
Zelda is amazing!

Enjoy your time here!

#87893 Ubisoft won E3!

Posted by DRAE_nmhar on 15 June 2012 - 01:25 PM

The only thing Nintendo won this year is theyre intro. Miyamoto with his Pikmin-ions walking with him down stage. Awesome intro music! Quirky Pikmin appearing on screen. And Miyamoto trolled the audience by pretending to throw his Pikmin doll...that absolutely gave the audience a hear attack...and that was freakin' awesome! All in all. Nintendo has the best intro of all E3 hands down.

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