Member Since 23 Jul 2012Offline Last Active May 22 2013 02:06 PM
I take it no more lick party? Hmmm what to do...
Updated 22 May · 0 comments
About Me
Im fun, happy, and outgoing. The biggest thing about me that you should know is that I'm a lesbian so guys back off. I found out with my best friend at the top of a chairlift at a ski resort in Maine where some...passionate things happened, and know we're happily in luv! Anyway, I'm a big gamer, following E3 every year since 2004.
Got my black Wii U at launch at the GameStop right near mee...luv it but its got a lot to do for me to make me convert from lesbianism to technopath lol
I currently own a PS3, Wii U, and a 3DS.
If I'm not on the site, I'm prob busy playing inFamous 2 (luv tht Game!) or Kid Icarus uprising.
Got my black Wii U at launch at the GameStop right near mee...luv it but its got a lot to do for me to make me convert from lesbianism to technopath lol
I currently own a PS3, Wii U, and a 3DS.
If I'm not on the site, I'm prob busy playing inFamous 2 (luv tht Game!) or Kid Icarus uprising.
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 36
- Profile Views 12,878
- Member Title Shy Guy
- Age 29 years old
- Birthday April 14, 1995
NYC Baby!
inFamous, Call of Duty, Mario