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Member Since 26 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 12 2012 01:44 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Take 2 Earnings Call...GTAV announcement?

31 July 2012 - 10:12 AM

Its 4:30pm Eastern/ 1:30pm Pacific... Take 2 based in New York. Its in little more than 2 hours from the time I type this lol!

In Topic: Why did Nintendo stop mass advertising?

30 July 2012 - 11:29 AM

You should go see Nintendo with this! Not only does it advertise the Wii U, but it does in an (commercially) agressive way, showing that the Wii U plays with power, real power, unlike the image the Wii was given. It shows that it's the next "must have" console.

Well I guess I could try to pitch that idea to them. It couldn't hurt. Maybe I will. Along with the other suggestion of making a few similar teasers along the path to launch.

In Topic: RUMOR: Wii U to Have a Large Retail Presence + Big Demo Units, People to Explain

26 July 2012 - 07:36 PM

Probably will hit the Best Buys first.  At least 30 days before launch would be wise but doubtful.

In Topic: Why did Nintendo stop mass advertising?

26 July 2012 - 06:53 PM

Yea marketing has been a tad light in recent years. I liked with what they did with the Ocarina of Time 3D trailer. Remaking the same exact trailer from '98 using the the 3DS game footage was awesome. Hope this doesn't sound too corny but it would be cool if they aired a 30 second tv ad in the next month or so along the lines of this suggestion. I think for the teaser it would be neat if they had a pitch black room, complete darkness. Then in sequence have the familiar blue light of the Wii light up first and glow. Just the light, nothing else, keeping the system hidden in darkness. Next, after 5 seconds or so, have the gamepad screen light up besides or underneath the blue light. As before, leaving the gamepad itself hidden in the dark. Then last, have the tv turn on to the exact image shown on the controller. Then after a few seconds have the tv change channels quickly leaving the gamepad still at the same image or game as before. That way showing the separate image capabilities. Finally, the tv channel changing comes to an end and stops on the Wii U logo with a "coming soon" appearing afterwards. Just pulled that out of my ass. Heck, they could probably pull off a 15 second ad with that. Lol!

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