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Member Since 08 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 20 2012 04:28 PM

#104659 Nintendo and Crytek... could it work?

Posted by nfzeta007 on 05 September 2012 - 05:01 PM

1. nintendo is working on a deal with Crytek to use it's Cryengine3 for their more advance graphical first party games( Zelda, Metroid, F-Zero, and Starfox). how do you guys think those franchises would run on the engine? I think more than any metroid would benefit from using cryengine 3 (and could take the series to the next level). we know the Wii U can support it as the CEO has said a 3rd party game is running cryengine 3 on Wii U and it's beautiful on it. I'm not sure what the Zelda HD experience was running on but it was beautiful. could this actually happen?

Really wish they would use the cryengine more for its destructible terrain than anything else and sort of bring back the old times with a lot of destructible entrances in the normally traversed ground and not only with ball paths as has been the norm since going 3D.

Well seeing how Metroid Prime 3 looked on the Wii for a 480p (max) system i would love to see the next Metroid they could either use the Cryengine 3 itself of just get help from Crytek with the game's personal engine, either way it would be awesome.

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