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Member Since 26 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 03 2012 06:22 PM

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In Topic: Nintendo and the 8th gen....Pressure?

03 September 2012 - 06:12 PM

how is it even debatable that wii u isnt next gen. that argument is weak  because if u actually go by confirmed things about the console like it runnning a dx11 equivalent in open gl form. thats easily next gen and almost all devs are backing up wii u for next gen because its like the new xbox 360 of next gen (for third parties) . It IS the developers system.

i will be competely shocked if ps4 and xbox 720 come out next year and even get close to doubling the wii u's power it just wont happen. the console is using almost brand new tech and components

No, this argument is weak. Are you serious? I could talk for days about why none of this is true, but I’ll keep it short.
Firstly, the Wii U is far from the developers system. Nintendo makes it incredibly difficult and expensive to get your hands on a Wii U dev kit, far more than their competitors do with their current and future consoles. If you don’t work for a big name developer, you’re not making a Wii U game. Additionally, the rest of the dev’s that focus on AAA multiplat titles will simply not be able to make the same games for the Wii U. The best analogy I can give is Battlefield 3. When Battlefield 4 releases, presumably for next gen consoles, the Wii U will get a port, and Durango and Orbis will likely get the same game that PC does. The full game. Just as now, BF3 on console has mediocre graphics, and is capped at 24 players.
Secondly, yes, the Wii U is technically next gen. As of now, it’s the first of the next generation of consoles. From any other viewpoint, the Wii U is a dinosaur. It’s already been surpassed by average PC hardware. Is it more powerful than the PS3 and Xbox 360? Yes, it undoubtedly is. It’s about 2x as powerful as seven year old hardware. How can you say you’ll be shocked if Durango or Orbis double the Wii U in terms of power? Microsoft plans on the next Xbox being 7-8 times as powerful as the Xbox 360, making it minimum 5 times as powerful as the Wii U. I doubt Sony plans on doing differently. Not only this, but the Wii U’s processor is being handicapped by Nintendo to keep it running nice and quietly for the casuals. The console is not using “brand new tech and components”. It’s the equivalent of a gaming PC from 3-4 years ago. It’s old.
Words cannot express how horribly disappointing it is to me that Nintendo no longer cares about core gamers and graphical prowess, but they don’t. I don’t know what has changed since the days of the SNES and N64, but Nintendo has decided to give their business to casuals, and I fear that it may not work for them this generation. The Wii U is lacking a strong gimmick like the Wii had with motion controls, and that was all that saved it. Without the boom it experienced with the general public, it would have died a year after launch.

In Topic: Wii U Experience Denver

26 August 2012 - 01:56 PM

Brand new here, but I was at Friday's event. While all the games I got to play looked great, the Arkham City demo that they had at this specific event looked horrendous. The textures were non-existent, the framerate was dipping from 30 FPS to around 15-20 FPS during combat, Batman's cape physics were broken, etc. Beside all of this, they made some pretty odd changes to the actual game itself, even the actual art.


Look closely when Batman enters the Wonder City section of the demo. You'll notice that the environmental textures are pretty much gone.

I've got a full rundown of everything here, including NSMB's U and Nintendoland Footage: http://purplelunchbo...2012/08/25/130/

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