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Member Since 11 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 20 2012 07:01 PM

Topics I've Started

Wii u Mario party

16 October 2012 - 08:49 PM

Just thought about how cool it would be and a total game changer with the asymmetrical gameplay with the pad and wiimotes. All the mini games with regular and now the new gameplay! Maybe most are partied out since there's like 10 of them, but I personally haven't played one since n64. You guys think they will make a MP for wii u?

All In One, One For All

02 October 2012 - 08:35 PM

Is anyone else irked by the fact that Sony and Micro and Nintendo are trying to make GAMING consoles into these stupid all in one entertainment centers? Doesn't it just take away business from yourself like Sony to have someone buy a ps3 that they make no money on and watch movies on it as opposed to a cheap blu ray player they can make 20 bucks on a pop in profit hypothetically? I don't need my GAMING console to have hulu or netflix or apps. MANY new tvs coming out these days have these features or smart tvs built in with all that crap. I buy a gaming console to play games on them, maybe a movie occasionally but overall its meant as a gaming machine. The wii u of course has that TVii all in one thing which IMO just seems kinda pointless. I wasn't really struggling using 1 or 2 remotes to begin with for a satellite box and tv separately. I feel overall in the future there will be less primary focus on the main purpose of playing games with consoles, but trying to do more of what nintendo is doing with TVii.

GC games on Eshop

02 October 2012 - 02:45 PM

Reggie is very interested in the idea of GameCube games on the wii u EShop. I myself would love to see every game in GC available, but that's wishful thinking. Here's my list of what I'd love to see in there. What about you guys?

Battalion wars
RE 0123 remakes
Tales of symphonia
Skies of Arcadia
Viewtiful joe 1
Paper Mario
Eternal darkness

If they made some sort of emulator to play gameboy color and advanced games, seriously would be amazing.

One gamepad

30 September 2012 - 05:27 AM

Did anyone else catch any articles saying gamepads won't be sold in stores and Nintendo won't sell gamepads but if you break yours you have to pay to fix it? I find that extremely stupid and they said the console can handle two pads  even with a fps drop yet they aren't really going to sell them? I understand their side of saving money on non spent units but you should at least be able to order a new gamepad through Nintendo if you choose to want one or another. Thoughts?

Brilliant black ops 2 idea

26 September 2012 - 09:30 AM

Take zombiu's multiplayer idea
Asymmetrical gameplay
Throw it into the wii u version as an exclusive multiplayer mode

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