Yo wussup im awwsummmmm ` 3 `Well hello there human. If for some reason you completely disregarded my name, I'm That64Kid! (you can call me Zento if you so desire )
I'm the most awesome-est person you'll ever meet. Ever.
Ever... I'm extremely random and cope well in any given situation. I rarely get into heated arguments with anyone, and I never run out of stuff to say.
I've been a big fan of Nintendo since I was 4 and had a gamecube. Those were the days I tell ya...
My favorite Nintendo console are the Nintendo SIX-TEA-FOR and my beloved 3ds <3
I worship
Mooberry the Cow God o3o! I mean... you have to admit, cows are freaking sexy lol.
"Steel is my body, and Fire is my blood."