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Member Since 21 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2013 08:19 PM

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In Topic: Need PC purchase advice

01 July 2013 - 04:25 AM

That wasn't lost on me.

The games he mentioned are made for Mac. But not all games are. 

Macs have awesome gaming hardware. No they don't, they're typically overpriced for what you get and PCs offer more flexibility to upgrade components later.

And he also said music and school. Seems you forgot those. Macs are best for music and a must in many education environments. Total garbage, there's zero difference in music from a PC to Mac - obviously you're a fanboy. I'm in college and there's no educational requirements for having a Mac at all, nor do my kids or other people I know in various levels of schooling require any type of Mac product. 100% false statement.  

He can also run windows on a Mac, either virtually or on a separate partition. It's the best of both worlds. Except running windows on it defeats the purpose of getting a Mac, as you claim Macs do everything just as good or better why would be want to buy a license for Windows and dual boot? Costly Mac + Windows License = way more than a more powerful PC would have costed him.

Why anyone settles for a pc anymore is beyond me. Why anyone pays for overpriced Apple products is beyond me.

Macs do it all. Except the games that they can't play and the DRM music it can't play.

And you won't need to upgrade as often. Or you could get a PC and when you DO need to add more ram or swap out the battery or hard drive, you can. Derp.

In Topic: Do you prefer 3ds original or the XL?

26 June 2013 - 10:00 PM

3DS XL by far - the screen size is a major perk for me. I absolutely love it. Wish it had dual sticks but yeah, it works. 

In Topic: When do you think Nintendo will unveil the successor to the 3DS?

26 June 2013 - 09:59 PM

They just got good support going for the 3DS, there's no way it will be before 2016. At the earliest I think 2017. There's absolutely no game out right now that takes full advantage of the 3DS capabilities, it has room to grow and will easily make it to 2016. I don't know, I can't predict the future, but logic says they will want to milk it for all its worth.. if the Wii U doesn't do great, they might want to move out of the console arena and go solely into the handheld area.

In Topic: New Member Incoming!

25 June 2013 - 05:53 PM

Hey everyone! I am Colton S and I own a Wii U and am excited for the future of the Wii U! Hope I get along here!


In Topic: DFC Intelligence says their Wii U sales forecasts are higher than the GameCube

25 June 2013 - 05:27 PM

Well, people always assume that a successor will always do better than the previous one. That's why people think the PS4 will fly off shelves on launch.

Um, companies should hope that their new product will do better than their previous one.. 


And the PS4 will fly off shelves AROUND THE WORLD on launch (on their respective launch dates in various countries). The rest of the world doesn't want the BS media crap that the Xbox One comes with, and even if they did it still isn't even compatible with their service providers. The PS3 outsold the 360 everywhere except the USA. It'll be the same for the PS4 this time around, except that here in the US we may actually have a chance of the PS4 selling more thanks to the blunder of PR mistakes, pricing mistakes, and policy mistakes that Microsoft has made. 


A potential spy device forced upon our living rooms, at $100 more for a less powerful console, the worst of the big 3 in terms of indie support, and a very out of touch corporate sentiment with gamers. Anyone who gets the Xbox One is either a fanboy or just has too much money on their hands. There's absolutely no reason to get the Xbox One, any of the good 3rd party games will eventually make their way to the PS4, and any first party games is just putting more money into Microsofts pocket. Watch, I bet they'll try to implement their DRM crap again in the future.

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