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Member Since 02 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 09 2013 05:11 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Headphones and related questions

02 October 2012 - 02:29 PM


I plan on getting a pair of these once they come out. They are cheap and made by a great company.

ooo i like, good share

In Topic: ZombiU Box Art : U for Ugly WiiU

02 October 2012 - 01:27 PM

not like you could go more darker or creepier than that with this being a multi age group console. just scary enough to not make the younger players carp their pants when its sitting close to their copy of super mario bros, or scribblenauts.

In Topic: Hello new friends!

02 October 2012 - 01:09 PM

hi, and welcome to the forums.
you pretty much have all the good launch titles, I'm probably going to get the same apart from Black Ops. (because I don't have enough money and I suck at shooters) :) What about Nintendoland?, Did you pre-order it with the deluxe.
Also I wouldn't by 2 pro controller's unless your going to have Lots of people round all the time.

Probably a good call on not going for 2 pro controllers right off the bat. And yeah ill have nintendo land as well through the deluxe U reserve. All black errything for this guy, plus i wanted the larger hard-drive. A friendly clerk urged me to check out Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate as well. At first it didn't sound like anything i would be into, but after watching some gameplay from previous titles in the series it reminded me a lot of the rpgs i played on pc and 360. Might be worth checking it out. But i too have been trying to be selective with my titles in order not to spend a grand by release day lol.

NOrth east all the way my friend! Welcome Fej, you've just walked into the most interesting forum of your life time. We are all here waiting patiently for the coming of the Wii U. Pre-ordering a Pro controller is something I actually didn't think of. As for titles to recommend, sure I have a few, Ninja Gaiden 3 and Batman Arkham City. Although these are ports..there's a ton of add-on content to these. Beyonetta 2 looks good as well.

Anyway, Enjoy the forums and join us as we wait for the coming of our savior, Nintendo Wii U!

free the pokemon!

Thanks for the welcome! im excited to socialize about this console, since i haven't got much of an opportunity to do so other than the few times ive been in gamestop putting money down on the reserve.
I considered the one pro controller a must for shooter titles, and probably fighters as well. The first two games you listed i'm familiar with and considering; havent heard/researched much on the third.

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