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Member Since 09 Oct 2012
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In Topic: "Wii U's GPGPU Squashes Xbox 360, PS3;Capable Of DirectX 11 Equivalen...

10 October 2012 - 12:27 AM

this is the problem im trying to get at. " equivalent" to Dx11. wouldnt it be much simpler to have a Gpu that can handle Dx11? makes much more sense and easier architecturally for developers to make games. its the same scenario for the wii. based on different code, developers will have to put in the extra time/ effort to make a different wii u version of the same game theyd gladly port over to the console IF it could just run the same engines no problem. but if it cant, it might shy away companies from bothering with a wii u version because they dont want to waste time or money on making a different version just for that console when they have 2 others to worry about. taking more time to write more code would be considered a hassle or burden instead if the console was capable of the same engines.

Aside for the DX11 licencing. Nintendo chose to custom design their gpu that would be loosely based on any existing graphics technology from AMD. The reason, "It's Cheaper". While AMD would be providing (and possibly manufacturing) the GPU, AMD would not be able the one to control the price but Nintendo. Nintendo would only pay royalties and service(which is smaller) than paying for the whole tech itself. If Nintendo elected to put a full blown AMD Graphics chip, even if it's a several years old with hardly or no customization at all, we could see the console spike to a $600 price point.

This situation happened to Microsoft with the original Xbox wherein they put an nvidia GPU with hardly any modifications. Microsoft ended up losing a lot of money as nvidia refuse to share the loss with MS. Since its nvidia tech(even if it was DX7 capable) overall and microsoft needs to pay it full. That's why microsoft custom designed the Xenos (for the 360) to avoid the financial loophole again( they didn't see the class suit coming though).

As for the Wii U GPU, it wont be a whole older gpu with some customization whatsoever. Nintendo only used the elements they need on the AMD gpu, optimize those parts, and add a number of functions(e.g. multi-texture rendering,S3TC and so on) as they built it around their own API that supports modern rendering methods and effects.

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