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Member Since 14 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 22 2012 10:41 AM

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Hey Wii U will Rule...

14 October 2012 - 08:33 PM

Hey Im really excited to see how multiplatform (best selling current generation) games play, perform and look on the Wii U. Giving that the PS and the XBOX is working with last generation components I believe the Wii U has hit a sweet spot. Simply cause Wii U will be the best console for atleast a year. All thanks to Mario lol. But seriously i feel the games that are great on PS and the XBOX, well will be greater on the Wii U due to its more modern design. PC versions of games like Borderlands 2 look better than the PS and the XBOX due the fact PCs are more up to date and always on the brink of technology, so with that said, that is exactly what the Wii U has. New inovation. So by me needing a gaming system, its a no-brainer, Wii U is coming out just in time. B)

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