@TheUltimateWaddleDee: Awwwwww, thank's man, I'm just way too busy to come back on fulltime, maybe I will pop back here a bit more often though
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Member Since 17 Oct 2012Offline Last Active Oct 20 2013 07:29 PM
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In Topic: UnchainedGoku has a serious loss of value problem!
16 September 2013 - 05:37 PM
In Topic: UnchainedGoku has a serious loss of value problem!
16 September 2013 - 04:31 PM
Wow, I post a topic, leave for a couple days, come back and COMMENTSPLOSION!!!! :/
In Topic: UnchainedGoku has a serious loss of value problem!
13 September 2013 - 08:42 AM
Just wait for the PC port, Pete.
I wish I could but my computer is broken and it's nowhere near powerful enough to play the latest games.
Yeah I would sell it on ebay, i saw bundles with only the console and 2 games going for about £150-£200 so you would definitely get a bit more on there.
The only thing is that it may take a few weeks to get the price you want depending on your starting bid or buy it now price.
But yeah I'm shocked at how much the value has depreciated. I guess even used Wii Us aren't selling very well.
To be fair I might just keep my Wii U now, I really do not think it's worth selling now, I'm not prepared to take that much of a hit to my pocket as a matter of fact I don't think any sane person is.
In Topic: UnchainedGoku has a serious loss of value problem!
13 September 2013 - 08:21 AM
In Topic: Well Guys I'm Off, For Now At Least :)
28 July 2013 - 07:02 PM
I wish I had seen this thread sooner... I'll talk to you over Wii U, buddy!
Thank's buddy, see you on the Wii U
I hope everything gets better for you. Can you promise a spot on your Wii U Friends List in the future?
Thank you I will be back on here next week to check notifications and reply to them, I will add you then
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