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Member Since 19 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 22 2012 01:56 PM

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Will every game be playable on the gamepad seperate from the TV?

24 October 2012 - 12:40 PM

It may be a dumb question, but I was thinking about games like nintendoland and Zombi U, that use the gamepad in unique ways to enhance game play, how would those games work if you were just playing on the gamepad alone? Sorry if this has been answered already, but I am just curious how this would work? Is it a game by game thing? I was under the impression that EVERY single game would be playable 100% on just the gamepad, but thinking about it today, I came across this question. So if anyone knows, that would be great. Thanks in advance!

Just played it at Best Buy Canada! My thoughts...

19 October 2012 - 09:10 AM

I just got back from one of the best buy "wii experience trailer' in Toronto, and colour me impressed! I got to play it for about 20 minutes, and boy am I sold on the wii-u!!!

The controller is SO comfortable. The buttons are perfect in my my opinion. Joysticks are great, just the right amount of stiffness to them, and the shoulder buttons are great, they are positioned well and just feel awesome to push! The screen is also very impressive and VERY responsive. Zero lag whatsoever! The entire thing is fantastic! The build quality of it is incredible. Pictures and online videos do not do it justice. It is a very incredible piece of technology that you NEED to hold in your hands to actually appreciate it.

I got to play around with Let's Dance (didn't actually play, just messed around with controller and menus, etc) and I got to play NSMBU. Here is my only complaint about today. NSMBU is a good game, very nice seeing Mario in HD, and playing it on the gamepad is so amazing (just imagining playing AAA titles like AC3 or COD:BO2 in the palm of your hands with a super comfortable controller is very enticing) BUT... NSMBU is almost the exact same as NSMB on wii. This is the first Mario game I played that doesn't make me want to own it. It is very disappointing that they are just continuously recycling NSMB. Im sure the final game will be great, and the level design is top notch, but still, just not exciting to play. I also got a chance to watch others play nintendo land, and it looks like fun, but like NSMBU, doesn't make you really want to own it at all.

My overall thoughts of it are that it is incredible. I wasn't a huge fan of the wii, but this system just blew me away. Thinking of the possible awesome games being played on the little screen is making me want it even more! I already pre-ordered it, but I was on the fence about actually going through with buying it. I can officially say I am stoked for November 18th!!

Anyone have any questions, feel free to ask me :) And if anyone has played it as well, please leave some comments/feedback on what you thought!

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