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Member Since 10 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active May 03 2013 01:26 PM

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In Topic: For those getting a ps4/720 aswel. Watch dogs..

01 May 2013 - 10:40 PM

LOL how funny. Then no Super Smash for U.
I don't mean to be harsh, but you seem to be overestimating the PS4 the same way people are constantly underestimating the Wii U.

People underestimate the wiiU because the friggin Devz, the people who actually make the game, don't support it. It's quite easy to see..the millions of 360/ps3 players who haven't bought a wiiU are not going to buy a wiiU next year if the 720/ps4 are out. Nintendo failed to get a head start with next-gen gaming. They will be playing catch up..

In Topic: For those getting a ps4/720 aswel. Watch dogs..

01 May 2013 - 09:36 AM

Why did you buy a Wii U if you only planned on getting 3rd party games? You never named 1 first or second party game there, and there are 7 of them coming out. :o

I bought it for zombieU and the new Gamepad way of playing appealed to me. To be honest, I was never a big Nintendo fan, I'm 28..had all sega, Sony, jaguar..lol..that was another machine with no support that died.
  So it's ye..I see your point but I just find mario abit kiddy..although I did buy the new 1..but sold it not long after for my initial thoughts :)

The wiiU has the potential to be amazing, but it needs 3rd party full support for that. ..to attract more hardcore gamers.

In Topic: For those getting a ps4/720 aswel. Watch dogs..

30 April 2013 - 10:44 PM

Dude you can't skip Smash Bros 4! Or Monolith Soft's 'X' title, or Bayonetta 2.......Or Shin Megami Tense X Fire Emblem........Or Retro Studio's new game.....Or Mario Kart U......Or the new Zelda.....OR THE NE- You get what I mean.

That 'X' looks spoiled to me by the numbers flying off everywhere when you hit them, unless they can be switched off and blood turned on? :)

Never played a Zelda game, might get it tho..does look good.
Bayonetta gameplay vids needed, the ps3 bayonetta  again was abit messy I thought.
Mario kart..yes, I think I might..the wife plays..well, played sonic racing until that kinda fizzled out quick.
I know if I sell wiiU, good exclusives will come and I'll prob regret it..ok, maybe I'll hang on. Argh...I'm easily swayed by things I read on the Internet.

In Topic: For those getting a ps4/720 aswel. Watch dogs..

30 April 2013 - 10:29 PM

Actually Ubi says the Ps4 is the definitive version, and that the PS versions will have bonus 60 minutes of gameplay or some stupid crap like the AC 3 and 4 versions of the game. I have no clue why they are making it for all 6 platforms, its crazy but very generous. But I'll get the Wii U version for the gamepad features, They said it can run on the Wii U but having trouble using the gamepad features, but didn't comment about graphically how it can run. I might be the only one buying this one for Wii U (If it gets localized)


Oh, and there's the sour grapes again :( ..wonderful 101 might be my last wii U purchase if the ps4 Is released in the UK before Xmas. I'll trade it all in and load up on ps4 games.

In Topic: Best place to sell? UK.

15 April 2013 - 08:51 AM

trade it in at CEX or GAME.

They offer less than 2nd hand though..I reckon all that with game would be like £200 if that. They're bad trade

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