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Member Since 14 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 01 2013 08:18 AM

Topics I've Started

Darksiders II

23 November 2012 - 07:54 AM

I'm really interested in what people, other than reviewers, thought of this game.
For some reason it's lacked popularity on these boards, who has it?

YouTube Wii U app

22 November 2012 - 08:05 AM

It looks absolutely amazing in my opinion.

List of ZombiU reviews (And Average)

21 November 2012 - 08:22 AM

For those who're wondering, I've come buy a convenient list of all of the reviews and their scores.
Take a look:

Giant Bomb - 4/5

1up - C+

Gametrailers - 6.5

Joystiq - 90

Eurogamer - 90

Gamesbeat - 88

Everyeye - 85

Cheatcodecentral - 84

Vandal - 83

Ausgamers - 81

Multiplayer - 80

Polygon - 80

Destructoid - 80

Meristation - 70

Edge - 70

IGN - 63

Gamesradar - 60

The Globe and Mail - 50

Game Informer - 50

Forbes - Positive

ONM - 92

Escapist - 3.5/5

Game Revolution - 4/5

Digital Trends- 8.5

Nintendo Everything - Positive

Venturebeat - 88

Penny Arcade - Positive

Game Rant - 3.5/5

Cheat Code Central - 84

Golden4Games - 7.5

Clickonline - 4.5/5

Gamedynamo - 82

PCG - 84

Trendy Gamers - 8

IMGMR - 7.5

Gamespot - 4.5

Being as cool as I am, I calculated an average using only the numerical values.

Average: 74/100

Has anyone tried to have an ID that was taken?

20 November 2012 - 08:50 AM

Just interested

Is your gamepad rattling?

19 November 2012 - 12:49 PM

Yet another "problem", but not as bad as all the others:

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