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Member Since 14 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 01 2012 12:52 PM

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In Topic: hi

15 November 2012 - 12:01 PM

you guys will probably win our coaching sucks we have 1 of the best rb in football but Andy reid wants to pass the ball 70 times a game. Rg3 is basically the same as vick just more accurate im affraid hes play style is going to get him killed in the nfl just like vick. Im glad foles is starting he is the future of the eagles.

you guys will probably win our coaching sucks we have 1 of the best rb in football but Andy reid wants to pass the ball 70 times a game. Rg3 is basically the same as vick just more accurate im affraid hes play style is going to get him killed in the nfl just like vick. Im glad foles is starting he is the future of the eagles.

I will say this RG3 is nothing like Vick, no offense but RG3 makes A LOT more smart decisions. Also Vick turns the ball over to much. I'm glad you guys got Foles though. I do agree that they should give Mccoy the ball more. The redskins Secondary is trash so maybe you guys can get good yards there?

In Topic: I have a question.....

15 November 2012 - 11:53 AM

200$ for a gamepad?! I will pass. Sticking to the wii mote

In Topic: hi

15 November 2012 - 11:49 AM

Hi and welcome Im an Eagles fan we play you guys sunday such a dissapointing season for the eagles cant wait till the head coach gets fired.

Hi and welcome Im an Eagles fan we play you guys sunday such a dissapointing season for the eagles cant wait till the head coach gets fired.

Yup but I don't think its Andy Reid I thinks its your guys players. I will be watching the game this Sunday may the best team win!

Welcome to the forums!

I'm a Colts fan btw. Have good Luck with RG3.

Welcome to the forums!

I'm a Colts fan btw. Have good Luck with RG3.

I like the wordplay there

In Topic: I have a question.....

14 November 2012 - 02:41 PM

ok.... I will check into it on launch to confirm this thanks guys!!!

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