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Member Since 16 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 23 2013 02:33 PM

#208807 What happens if we see nextgen graphics from Wii U at E3?

Posted by joiemoie on 19 May 2013 - 12:31 PM

Nintendo will be releasing Nintendiroom which projects the screen across the entire room, along with hardware that constantly gets updated through software patches. They will announce "pass the controller and controller streaming" since the wii u pad uses wifi streaming. Also, the 2 ram in the console was really just 8GB of ram folded twice, and will unfold through a software patch on the week of E3. 


EA will announce that it secretly loved the Wii U the entire time and was partnered with it, and used the hatred to attract more attention to the Wii U. It went by the secret name of SEGA "EA with an S before the E and a G before the A" and has been secretly making business deals with Nintendo, along with Sonic Lost World's exclusivity, to launch the Wii U way up. 


During E3, they will reveal the next Super Smash Bros game out of nowhere. But instead of just being a trailer, they will announce that it will feature a 5000 player gamemode where they have all the attendees playing on a massive stage and 500 teams at the same time.


The wii u gamepad also has a cupholder slot, which is retractable and can be purchased in the Nintendo Eshop for $5.


All this shall be announced on E3.

#208797 WiiKey U is legit and its in Development!

Posted by joiemoie on 19 May 2013 - 12:01 PM

As much of a pirate I was in the Wii, I actually hope that piracy doesn't come out. I want to actually buy all these awesome games and don't want the Wii U sales to get hurt.


Although, I do however, want this hack to be made: http://www.eurogamer...e-wii-u-gamepad The one where it may be possible to stream the gamepad screen over wifi. I think that if they could do the "Pass the controller to someone else far away" just like the PS4 is doing, it could a great feature and a competitive one too. And also, I don't want it to have to be a mod made by hackers. I want Nintendo to do this themselves.

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