I like all my systems, but the Xbox 360 is used most for cross platform games. But I like the PS3 exclusives better (Uncharter). If you are not a fan of PS3 exclusives the Xbox is better imo. Controller feels better, frame rates tend to be better.
Honestly, I am largely impartial to most exclusives. I do like Fable on the Xbox, while I also enjoy GOW and Ratchet&Clank on Playstation. Since FF went multiplatform, that made the decision even more difficult. What I like most about the 360 is having the option to install the game to the HDD.
Found a $199.99 Infamous/Uncharted bundle in stock at Target via online store stock checker. Must have been left over from Black Friday, it's hard to pass up at that price. I called them to confirm stock, and the nice lady was kind enough to set it aside for me until tomorrow afternoon.