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Member Since 18 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 11 2012 10:38 AM

#133412 wiiu ram chips g/ddr3 1600 is very telling

Posted by 3Dude on 19 November 2012 - 08:45 AM

Ive researched the Hynix memory, its of the exact same specifications as the samsung memory found in other wii u's.

12.8 Gb a second is Legit. People, let it go. Whatever else you may think of you dont like about what this guys said... You cant use 12.8 Gb/s bandwidth. Its straight.

1.6 Gb a pin @ 8 pins = a max bandwidth for the 2Gb pool of main memory of 12.8Ghz a second.

So, why are people freaking out over this? I mean, if Wii u had to rely on this main memorys bandwidth the way ps3 and 360 did, thats one thing, but the wii u has a whole buttload of edram on both processors, with bandwidth and latency that makes ddr look like a joke. This memories only purpose is to hold crap thats not being used so that top tier memory can switch it in and out, and keep the os and multitasking apps in the background. You dont need a ton of bandwidth to be a bucket.

#132850 Flawless Wii U thread

Posted by the world ends with me on 18 November 2012 - 06:53 PM

no big issues with the hardware so far, but i am a bit disappointed i can't use the GamePad in the bathroom... :D

#132439 I think my Wii U is broken

Posted by x-SourApple-x on 18 November 2012 - 01:08 PM

Don't bother calling Nintendo, they'll tell you to send your brand new console in for repair.

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