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Member Since 19 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 21 2012 05:18 PM

Topics I've Started

Gamepad as Remote (TV, AV Receiver, and Box)

19 November 2012 - 10:58 AM

I haven't had a chance to play around with this feature too much. My TV is connected to my AV receiver which is connected to my Directv box. Right now I'm using one remote to turn on the receiver one to turn on the tv and one to turn on box/ change channels...not the best way to do it. Can the gamepad be programmed to all 3 or just 1 of 3?

Interactive sports games...

19 November 2012 - 10:53 AM

Has anyone tried sports connection yet? Also there was another one in the eshop it was like mini golf and arcade basketball...can't remember the name though. Just looking for some opinions on these titles...need my wii golf fix!

Gamepad skin/case

19 November 2012 - 10:35 AM

Looking for something soft and with a good grip for my gamepad. So far I've only seen some real cheap silicone cases, wondering if anyone can recommend anything else.

Anyone using a 3rd party motion plus controller?

19 November 2012 - 08:54 AM

I see there are some really popular ones on eBay for like half the price of the Nintendo branded versions. I can't really find reviews as they seem to be no name knockoffs. Just wondering if anyone has tried these or heard anything. eBay is flooded with them...

My Thoughts.

19 November 2012 - 07:55 AM

Hey everyone. I know I'm a new user but have been watching you all from afar for weeks (creepy?) anyway I tried to register during that time but kept getting errors finally went through.

Just wanted to throw out my two cents on the wii u (I literally own every recent system as well so I have a good base for comparison- ps3 360 vita 3ds wii self built gaming pc)

Recently I started feeling so jaded about games. It was like I'd keep trying to get into a game and just couldn't. Everything felt so stale, even my old favorites.

The way I look at the wii u is that it's something new, and it feels fresh. Maybe it's not as powerful as we hoped (still debatable), and for people complaining about launch titles and graphics....you need to look at Xbox and ps3 launch titles. Resistance and cod 2 were not huge graphical improvements over previous systems. It takes time for devs to adapt to a new kit...especially after working with the same hardware for 8 years.

The os is intuitive and feels very alive. Miiverse is a great new way to communicate and connect to other gamers. The browser is fast and responsive ( I didn't reach for my ipad once last night). The load times are terrible, yes, but we all know this will be addressed in a patch very soon.

And the game pad. Wow this thing is impressive. Gimmicky? I think not. How have we been gaming without this thing for so long. I hope every future controller has a touchscreen from here on out. Really immersive way to game and although the display is not hd I wouldn't have known it to look. Crisp vivid and responsive. Once I get a nice silicon cover to help my grip this thing will be perfect.

So far I've played NSMBU Nintendo Land and Zombiu. I haven't played a Mario side scroller since snes and man I SUCK haha but it's beautifully designed and a lot of nostalgic fun. NL is really addictive and the visual design of the mini games are very aesthetically pleasing. A nice intro to the system (although its no sports champion). Zombiu is terrifying haha. Idk why so many people complain about the graphics. Being a pc gamer primarily I am definitely a graphics connessieur (whore) and am very impressed by the visuals. Very atmospheric and fitting for the type of game it is. Controls are definitely floaty but I'm sure ill adapt.

Anyway I'm very happy with the first impressions this has made on me and in no way feel buyers remorse for my purchase. To those of you feeling bummed because of too high expectations or just feel disappointed remember its a launch. Launches, as a rule (although there are exceptions) are not smooth. Bugs will be fixed, graphics improved, patches released. If you find yourself happy with the general features and innovations of his new system then I'm sure it will be a good fit in the long run!

Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors I'm typing on an ipad in my lap. Thanks for listening to the ramblings of a new member!

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