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Member Since 19 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 25 2012 05:55 PM

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Target rant

19 November 2012 - 10:16 AM

So I have been waiting on my black Deluxe 32GB Wii U at Target now. I went there on Sunday, and though I was told nothing when I purchased the pre-order card, apparently you had to show up and wait in line and get a number even if you had the reservation card. The manager told me that sine I wasn't able to get mine on Sunday that another shipment would be in Monday. I called on Monday and was told that there weren't any now, but to call back at noon when the UPS delivery came. I called back later to be told that they were gone when the store first opened at 8am even though I called at 8am and was told they didn't get any in. The girl I spoke to on the phone said that the reservation cards were only for the first day, and that now they were first come first served basically. I knew according to the back of the reservation card that she was telling me BS and asked to speak to a manager.

I read him word for word on the back of the reservation card where it says "The reserved merchandise for this card will be held at the counter in the Electronics Department for seven days after the national release date, at the Target store where purchased." This obviously goes directly against what the other employee told me where they were first come first served and I asked what he could do to help me out. He said there is another shipment coming in on Wednesday and he would put one aside for me (like what should have been done in the first place).

End Rant.

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