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Member Since 20 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 02 2012 06:42 AM

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UK Video Services?

22 November 2012 - 04:58 AM

We have all heard of the veritable smorgasboard of services that will be available of the Wii U for those lucky enough to live in the US, but what of those of us in the uk? Will we be seeing any comparible services? I know the Wii had access to both Netflix and BBC iPlayer in the UK so I shall be hopeing to see those return, but could we expect LoveFilm? The US is getting Amazon Video, and I know Amazon owns LoveFilm...so fingers crossed. Has anyone heard anything concrete on this?

Hey Guys

20 November 2012 - 01:49 PM

Hey this is my first post here.  Typing this from the UK, got my Wii U on Pre-Order; ZombiU Premium Pack, will prob pick up New Super Mario Bros U as well.  Only 9 days 2 hours and some mins to go! w00p! How is everyone in the states enjoying their consoles so far?  Does it live up to the hype? was it better or worse than yopu expected? Any gaming gems I might not of considered?

I look forward to getting to know people on here!

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