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Member Since 20 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 24 2012 12:57 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: And this is why I returned the Wii U...

24 December 2012 - 12:59 AM

This isn't a rant nor anything along those lines, I just wish to express my experience with the console and hear other's opinions.

I enjoyed my wii u for the first few days, I will not deny it. The gamepad was pretty cool, and the system seemed to work nicely. However, this enjoyment slowly faded day by day, and this is why:

1) Gamepad: Maybe it was just me, but I found it to be more of a hassle to use more than anything else. For instance, when playing COD, I literally never used it to view the entire map. It's just too difficult in gameplay to look down at a screen. The only benefit of this was playing in bed, which I did enjoy.

2) Bland interface: Granted this can get updated over time, it just seemed really boring, even for a new release. I was expecting more customizing with your mii's, something more along the lines of 360, to really give a personal feel to the console and enhance the community.

3) ***Too many controllers: This was probably the overriding factor for my return. I couldn't stand the fact that different games use different controllers. If any of you are like me, I strongly disliked the wii mote and anything that had to do with the old wii system. What I wanted out of it was mainly to use a more gamer controller, i.e. the newly released pro controller, and was super excited Nintendo was making one. The issue I kept running into, however, was that certain games required this controller, certain games required this attachment, blah blah. This made me incredibly frustrated. I found it completely unacceptable that their new pro controller was not fully supported by all the new wii u games when it could have been. I feared a future where this issue would repeatedly come about, forcing me to always switch controllers and never really get used to one.

Even in a world where it was only the gamepad and wii u pro controller, I still would find it frustrating. Your hands don't adjust when jumping from the gamepad to the pro quick enough. For instance, playing cod on the gamepad I eventually got used to, but once I made the switch, it would take me a good game or two to get the feel for the smaller layout.

So, at the end of the day, I returned the wii u and picked up a 360. It gives me comfort that everyone can only use one type of controller, and it will work with everything out there. Not to mention, there's a huge mic issue with the wii u, where its only on the gamepad, which isn't an issue with the 360.

So you're broke and needed the money???

This isn't a rant nor anything along those lines, I just wish to express my experience with the console and hear other's opinions.

I enjoyed my wii u for the first few days, I will not deny it. The gamepad was pretty cool, and the system seemed to work nicely. However, this enjoyment slowly faded day by day, and this is why:

1) Gamepad: Maybe it was just me, but I found it to be more of a hassle to use more than anything else. For instance, when playing COD, I literally never used it to view the entire map. It's just too difficult in gameplay to look down at a screen. The only benefit of this was playing in bed, which I did enjoy.

2) Bland interface: Granted this can get updated over time, it just seemed really boring, even for a new release. I was expecting more customizing with your mii's, something more along the lines of 360, to really give a personal feel to the console and enhance the community.

3) ***Too many controllers: This was probably the overriding factor for my return. I couldn't stand the fact that different games use different controllers. If any of you are like me, I strongly disliked the wii mote and anything that had to do with the old wii system. What I wanted out of it was mainly to use a more gamer controller, i.e. the newly released pro controller, and was super excited Nintendo was making one. The issue I kept running into, however, was that certain games required this controller, certain games required this attachment, blah blah. This made me incredibly frustrated. I found it completely unacceptable that their new pro controller was not fully supported by all the new wii u games when it could have been. I feared a future where this issue would repeatedly come about, forcing me to always switch controllers and never really get used to one.

Even in a world where it was only the gamepad and wii u pro controller, I still would find it frustrating. Your hands don't adjust when jumping from the gamepad to the pro quick enough. For instance, playing cod on the gamepad I eventually got used to, but once I made the switch, it would take me a good game or two to get the feel for the smaller layout.

So, at the end of the day, I returned the wii u and picked up a 360. It gives me comfort that everyone can only use one type of controller, and it will work with everything out there. Not to mention, there's a huge mic issue with the wii u, where its only on the gamepad, which isn't an issue with the 360.

In Topic: Is there an achievement system after all?

01 December 2012 - 10:52 PM

I have a close friend that works for Nintendo of America and he said future topics like this are on the downlow but he knows they plan on implementing a system wide variation of the trophy system. Which is great because, although I'm a huge Nintendo, Zelda, Mario fan, I play my PS3/Vita waaaay more than my 3ds and Nintendo because of it. I don't know why people wouldn't want a reward system???

In Topic: More in-depth Wii U teardown.

20 November 2012 - 09:15 PM

If you had to pay for it, that would be different. But, a whole article on how to dismantle a system that's been out for 3 days is a little unnecessary. Lol

In Topic: Wii U supply not a issue....Yet.

20 November 2012 - 09:06 PM

Multiple Targets, Walmarts...etc in my area have plenty. Although, Gamestop has been sold out, of course. I think I'm still going to wait to buy mine. At least until I stop seeing hardware and software problems. I bought my first PS3 the day it was released, went through 3 of them before I got one that lasted longer than 2 months. It actually lasted 5 years, I just replaced it. Playstation replaced it for free. Can't wait to get my U though.

In Topic: More in-depth Wii U teardown.

20 November 2012 - 09:01 PM

Awesome - Pulling apart 360's and PS3's to repair is obnoxious - this looks light years easier.

Either way, I think other people get paid to do that. I've had my Playstation3 replaced for free when it finally died. It was 5 years old.

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