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Member Since 21 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 04 2012 05:15 AM

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In Topic: Tally-ho, pip pip and Cheerio, it's the British Wii U Launch Thread.

04 December 2012 - 05:12 AM

makes me sick!

how spasticated does that make Brits sound?? i hate these sayings and me nor anyone i know from uk say it,,,, EVER! lol..

As the OP, I'd like to say that I'm happier saying this like "pip pip" than derogatory things like "spasticated."

In Topic: Wii U clock speeds are found by marcan

29 November 2012 - 11:28 PM

But that wasn't even a clock while running a game. It's not it's actual clock speed. Even of it is, though, the GPU is meant to help the CPU. So again, you are aspect and blowing it to be a bigger deal.

It's not an idle clock rate, he says that a few tweets after OP stopped quoting. If he's right, and there's very little to doubt him for, that's the full clock speed of the chip.

In Topic: Your experiences with the "Wii U Transfer Tool"

29 November 2012 - 03:01 PM

I just did this today, it was pretty quick and I didn't have any problems. However, I had read about people having errors half way through that left their content stuck between two systems, so I actually deleted most the content from my Wii first so the transfer only had to move save files and licenses. Sure I had to redowload a lot on the other side, but it was a smoother process overall and I could get the rest of my content at my leisure then.

In Topic: Official Nintendo Network ID Sharing Thread

29 November 2012 - 08:19 AM

Mine is the same as this, illogicology. Feel free to add me, just bought Trine which I believe has online co-op ( haven't checked yet) so if you're grabbing that too, I could use a teammate.

In Topic: Tally-ho, pip pip and Cheerio, it's the British Wii U Launch Thread.

29 November 2012 - 12:55 AM

Well, mine just arrived. Fighting with it to take my Wi-fi settings now, but all looks pretty snazzy. More to come.

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