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Member Since 30 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 03 2012 03:18 AM

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Wii U sound issues not outputting correctly help requested please.

30 November 2012 - 09:39 AM

I have my Wii U connected directly into my receiver yamaha rx-v373 and then from receiver to television, I have set in the Wii U sound options to surround and when I do a sound test it only seems to be outputting to the front left, front right and rear right speakers the other channels are silent, now I know for a fact my receiver supports PCM 2ch through to 8ch so not my equipment at all. So far had no luck getting 5.1 audio from my setup.

I have nano assault neo, zombi u and nintendoland but nothing I try is working, any advice please?

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