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Member Since 15 Apr 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 10 2011 12:21 AM

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In Topic: Possibility?

15 April 2011 - 06:58 AM

I'm really enjoying having to move around and duck down to find hidden targets on AR Shoot on the 3DS, so I would definitely enjoy this kind of technology on the Wii 2, and the idea that the image gets bigger as you walk towards the screen is amazing. Imagine playing an investigation game, standing back to look at an entire room for clues, seeing something intriguing and walking forwards to get a closer look. I'd love that.

I'm wondering though, since you have to wear a device for the head-tracking to work, do you think Nintendo would be up for promoting this technology? They've made a really big deal about not having to wear glasses for the 3DS.

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